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Oxford Conflict, Peace and Security Hub

Contemporary policymaking relies increasingly on the ability of government officials to source vital information and reliable evidence as they address current security threats such as civil wars, terrorism, cyber-attacks.

The Oxford Conflict, Peace and Security Hub is led by Professor of Political Science and International Relations Andrea Ruggeri. Its mission is to serve as a platform for the international community of researchers and practitioners, enabling them to connect, learn from each other, and to collaborate in preventing or mitigating conflict, and shaping a more secure future.

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20-21  March 2023


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First Panel 20 March

Chair: Livia Schubiger (Oxford)

Lars-Erik Cederman (ETH) The Future Is History                                                  paper

Carl Muller-Crepon (LSE) The Train Wrecks of Modernization                                 paper

Seung Hoon Chae (Oxford) PKOs, State Capacity and OSV                                     slides

Second Panel 20 March

Chair: Ignacio Sanchez-Cuenca (IC3JM)

Vincenzo Bove (Warwick) Terrorism, Perpetrators and Polarization.                       slides

Micha Germann (Bath) Does Islamist Terrorism Still Affect Political Attitudes?  slides

Patricia Justino (UNU-WIDER) Civic Legacies of Wartime Governance                 slides

Methods Roundtable 20 March

Chair: Andrea Ruggeri (Oxford)


Lars-Erik Cederman (ETH)

Patricia Justino (UNU-WIDER)

Laia Balcells (Georgetown)

Anastasia Shesterinina (York)

Third Panel 21 March

Chair: Emily Meyers (Duke)

Neil Ketchley (Oxford) Explaining Recruitment to Extremism                         paper

Dan Miodownik (HUJI) Spontaneous Intergroup Contact and Resilience to Violence in Ethnically Mixed Cities                                                         slides

Amiad Haran Diman (Oxford) My Neighbor, My Friend? 

Fourth Panel  

Chair: Stefano Costalli (UniFi)

Kristin Marie Bakke (UCL) Public Opinion in Ukraine and Other States       report

David Siroky (Essex) Great Power Intervention in Revolutionary Civil Wars

Jakob Schram (Oxford) Don’t Be a Menace                                                        slides


Oxford early career researchers Empirical Showcase

Chair: Seung Hoon Chae (Oxford)

Mikael Hiberg Haghizadeh (Oxford) What We Don’t See, Where We Don’t Look: Conflict-Events, Satellite Fire Images and Informal Settlements

Ana Vilhelmina Verdnik (Oxford) Middlemen’s Peace? Former Combatant Groups and Mid-Level Commanders Data in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Benoit Siberdt (UCL and Oxford) Why Onset Matters: Warfare, Intensity and Duration in Civil War

Wilin Buitrago Arias (Oxford) Tracing the trajectories of Insurgent Successor Parties in Latin America: the Pitfalls of Liberal Peace-building and Party-building

Motasem Abuzaid (Oxford) For the Uprising Yet to Come: Socio-spatial Policing and Trajectories

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