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1.                         2023. Cama, Giampiero and Andrea Ruggeri. Potere, Incertezza e Identità. Elementi di Scienza Politica, Mondadori

2.                         2020. Bove, Vincenzo, Chiara Ruffa and Andrea Ruggeri. Composing Peace , Oxford University Press


Special Issue Guest Editor

1.       2012,  Bove, Vincenzo and Andrea Ruggeri “Network of the European Peace Science Proceedings”, Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy.

2.       2024, Balcells, Laia, Patricia Justino and Andre Ruggeri. “Legacies of Repression and Resistance in Early 20th Century Europe”, Comparative Political Studies

3.       2025, Daxecker, Ursula, Neeraj Prasad and Andrea Ruggeri. “ Political Violence in Democracies”, Journal of Peace Research 


Peer-Reviewed Articles

  1. 2024 Fabrizio Coticchia, Marco Di Giulio, Jaun Masullo and Andrea Ruggeri. “Does it Matter that an Ally is Democratic During Crises? Public Diplomacy and Attitudes Toward International Allies in Times of Crisis”. European Political Science Review, forthcoming

  2. 2024 Stefano Costalli Daniele Guariso Patricia Justino Andrea Ruggeri. “The violent legacy of fascism: Evidence from Italy”,Comparative Political Studies, forthcoming

  3. 2024 Stefano Costalli, Jessica Di Salvatore, Andrea Ruggeri. “Do UN Peace Operations Help Forcibly Displaced People?”, Journal of Peace Research, forthcoming

  4. 2022, Jessica Di Salvatore, Sara M.T. Polo and Andrea Ruggeri. “Do UN peace operations lead to more terrorism?  Repertoires of rebel violence and third-party interventions”. European Journal of International Relations. 28(2):361-385

  5. 2021 Jessica Di Salvatore and Andrea Ruggeri. “Spatial Analysis for Political Scientists”. Rivista Italiana di Scienze Politiche/Italian Review of Political Science 51:198-214

  6. 2020. Steinert, Christoph Valentin, and Andrea Ruggeri. "Who are our experts? Predictors of participation in expert surveys." Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 26(4)

  7. 2020. Stefano Costalli, Francsco N. Moro and Andrea Ruggeri . “The Logic of Vulnerability and Civilian Victimization: Shifting Front Lines in Italy (1943-1945)”. World Politics, 72 (4): 679-718.

  8. 2020. Costalli, Stefano, and Andrea Ruggeri. "Italy and its international relations: Getting real on relative positions." Italian Political Science 15(1).

  9. 2020. Jessica Di Salvatore and Andrea Ruggeri. “UN Peace operations Withdrawals and State Capacity. Descriptive Trends  and Research Challenges.” International Peacekeeping 27(1):12-21.

  10. 2019.  Stefano Costalli and Andrea Ruggeri. “The Study of Armed Conflict and Historical Data”, APSA Comparative Politics Newsletter. 29(2):58-63.

  11. 2019. Jessica Di Salvatore, Ursula Daxecker, Andrea Ruggeri, “Fraud Is What People Make of It: Election Fraud, Perceived Fraud, and Protesting in Nigeria” Journal of Conflict Resolution 63(9):2098-2127.

  12. 2019. Vincenzo Bove and Andrea Ruggeri. “Peacekeeping Effectiveness and Blue Helmets’ Distance from Locals.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 63(7):1630-1655.

  13. 2019. Stefano Costalli and Andrea Ruggeri. “Long term consequence of civil war in young democracies. The Case of Italy 1946-1968.” Comparative Political Studies. 52(6):927-961.

  14. 2018. Ruggeri, Andrea; Dorussen, Han and Gizelis, Ismene. “Every Day on the Frontline? Sub-National Deployment of UN Peacekeeping”. British Journal of Political Science 48(4):1005-1026.

  15. 2017. Stefano Costalli and Ruggeri Andrea “Emotions, Ideologies and Violent Political Mobilization: A Symposium”. PS: Political Science & Politics 50(4): 923-927.

  16. 2017. Tobias Bohmelt and Ruggeri Andrea. “Counterbalancing, Spatial Dependence, and Peer-Group Effects”. Political Science and Research Methods 5(2):221-239.

  17. 2017.  Dorussen, Han and  Ruggeri , Andrea “Peacekeeping Event Data: Determining the Place and Space of Peacekeeping”, International Peacekeeping 24(1):32-43.

  18. 2017.  Bove, Vincenzo; Ruggeri , Andrea ;Zwetsloot, Remco, “What Do We know about UN Peacekeeping Leadership”, International Peacekeeping  24(1):17-23.

  19. 2017. Ruggeri, Andrea; Dorussen, Han   and Gizelis, Ismene  "Winning the Peace Locally: UN Peacekeeping and Local Conflict". International Organization 71(1):163-185

  20. 2016. Bove Vincenzo and Ruggeri Andrea. “Kinds of Blue. Diversity in U.N. Peacekeeping Missions and Civilian Protection”.British Journal of Political Science 46(3):681-700.

  21. 2015. Stefano Costalli and Ruggeri Andrea. “Indignation, Ideology and Armed Mobilization”. International Security 40(2): 119-157

  22. 2015. Burgoon, Brian; Ruggeri, Andrea, Schudel, Willem and Manikkalingam, Ram. “From Media Attention to Negotiated Peace: Human Rights Reporting and Civil War Duration”, International Interactions, 41(2): 226-255.

  23. 2015. Costalli, Stefano and Ruggeri, Andrea. “Forging Political Entrepreneurs. Civil War Effects on Post-Conflict Politics in Italy”, Political Geography, 44:40-49.

  24. 2014. Gleditsch, Kristian Skrede; Metternich, Nils and Ruggeri, Andrea “Data and Progress in Peace and Conflict Research”,Journal of Peace Research, 51(2): 301-314.

  25. 2013. Ruggeri, Andrea; Gizelis, Ismene and Dorussen, Han. “Managing Mistrust: an Analysis of Cooperation with UN Peacekeeping in Africa”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 57(3): 387-409.

  26. 2012. Ruggeri, Andrea. “Gramsci's Persuaders: Studying Collective Mobilization“, International Studies Review, 14: 677-681.

  27. 2012. Ruggeri, Andrea and Burgoon, Brian. “Human Rights “Naming & Shaming” and Civil War Violence”, Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 18(3):1-12. 

  28. 2012. Bove, Vincenzo and Ruggeri, Andrea. “NEPS Proceedings: Introduction”, Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy. 18(3): 1-4

  29. 2011. Ruggeri, Andrea; Gizelis, Ismene and Dorussen, Han. “Event data as Bismarck’s sausages? Intercoder Reliability, Coders Selection and Data Quality”, International Interactions, 37(3): 340-36. 

  30. 2010. Gleditsch, Kristian Skrede and Ruggeri, Andrea. “Political Opportunity Structures, Democracy, and Civil War” Journal of Peace Research, May 47(3): 299-310.


Book Chapters

  1. 2022. Ross Gildea and Andrea Ruggeri. “International Relations” in R. Joseph Huddleston, Tom Jamieson and Patrick James Handbook of Research (eds.) “Methods in International Relations”, Edward Elgar Publishing.

  2. 2022. Ruggeri, Andrea  and Evi Kroeker Peacekeeping and Conflict Resolution” in Han Dorussen (ed.) “Handbook on Peacekeeping and International Relations” , Edward Elgar Publishing.

  3. 2022. Bove, Vincenzo; Chiara Ruffa;Andrea Ruggeri, “How does the composition of peacekeeping operations matter?” in Han Dorussen (ed.) “Handbook on Peacekeeping and International Relations” , Edward Elgar Publishing.

  4. 2020. McCauley Adam and Andrea Ruggeri. “Formulating Research Questions & Designing Research Projects in International Relations” in  Luigi Curini and Rob Franzese (eds.) The Handbook of Research Methods in Political Science and International Relations, Sage: London.

  5. 2020. Andrea Ruggeri . “Scenari d’Insicurezze e Instabilità Globali per l’Unione  Europea” in Marco Piantini (ed.)  L'Europa in un mondo che cambia. (Europa mondo/ il futuro è fuori di noi) La dimensione esterna come fattore di sviluppo per l'Unione Europea, Donzelli Editore.pp.205-220 .

  6. 2018. Maline Meiske and Andrea Ruggeri. “Peacekeeping as Foreign Policy Tool” in Oxford Encyclopaedia of International Relations, Oxford University Press: New York & Oxford.

  7. 2018. Jessica Di Salvatore and Andrea Ruggeri. “Peacekeeping Effectiveness” in Oxford Encyclopaedia of Empirical International Relations, Oxford University Press: New York & Oxford.

  8. 2014 Burgoon, Brian; Ruggeri, Andrea and Manikkalingam ,Ram. “Human Rights Promotion, the Media and Peacemaking in Africa”, in  Carsten de Dreu (ed.) Conflicts Within and Between Groups: Functions, Dynamics and Interventions , Taylor &  Francis .

  9. 2012. Metternich, Nils; Gleditsch, Kristian; Dorussen, Han and Ruggeri, Andrea. “International Dimension of International Conflict”, in Elgar Companion to Civil War and Fragile States. Edited by Graham Brown and Arnim Langer.  

  10. 2010. Ruggeri, Andrea. “Geografia Politica del Conflitto Libanese”  [Political Geography of the Lebanese Conflict] in  S. Costalli and F.Moro “Le Guerre dentro lo Stato” [Civil Wars] Milano, Italy: Vita e Pensiero.


Book Reviews

  1. 2020 Power in Peacekeeping, by Lise M. Howard, Journal of Peace Research

  2. 2019 Persone e Mondi. Azioni individuali e ordine internazionale by Angelo Panebianco ( Il Mulino 2018), Quaderni di Scienza Politica 

  3. 2018 Democracy and Displacement in Colombia's Civil War by Abbey Steele, Journal of Politics

  4. 2010 The Causes of War, by David Sobek, Journal of Peace Research

  5. 2010 How Wars End, by Dan Reiter, Journal of Peace Research

  6. 2009 Ending Wars, by Feargal Cochrane, Journal of Peace Research

  7. 2008 Inside Rebellion: The Politics of Insurgent, by Jeremy M. Weinstein, Political Studies Review


Policy Briefs

  1. 2023 Coticchia, Fabrizio; Matteo Mazziotti di Celso & Ruggeri, Andrea. Parlamenti e Difesa: partecipazione e ruolo dell’Università e della ricerca. Una valutazione comparata.

  2. 2023 Meiske Maline & Ruggeri, Andrea, “What is the State of the State when UN Peacekeeping Operations Leave?”, Folke Bernaddote Academy, Sweden & Challenges Forum

  3. 2022 Evi Koeker;. “UN Peacekeeping Data Synergies between academia and policymaking” Folke Bernaddote Academy, Sweden & United Nations.

  4. 2022 Fabrizio Coticchia & Andrea Ruggeri. “An international peacekeeper? The evolution of Italian foreign and defense policy”, Istituto Affari Internazionale.

  5. 2019  Ruggeri, Andrea; Evi Koeker; Maline Meiske. “What is the state of UN data on peacekeeping?”, Folke Bernaddote Academy, Sweden 

  6. 2019    Ruggeri , Andrea. “Security Stability: About what and for whom?”, NATO

  7. 2015   Ruggeri , Andrea. “Diversity in the composition of UN peacekeeping operations and mission performance”, Defence Economics, Ministry of Defence, UK

  8. 2013  Ruggeri, Andrea. “Political Entrepreneurs and Civil War”, Independent Social Research Foundation, United Kingdom

  9. 2010 Gleditsch, Kristian; Dorussen, Han; Metternich, Nils and Ruggeri, Andrea. “Transnational Dimensions and the Myth of Civil Wars as National Events”, PRIO, OSLO.


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