andrea ruggeri
professor of political science
dipartimento di scienze sociali e politiche
università degli studi di milano
"Io non baratterei l'Italia con nessuno altro paese al mondo, sia pure l'Inghilterra. Ma tu dovresti comprendere facilmente la mia posizione: l'anglofilia, l'anglomania se vuoi, come espressione del mio desiderio, della mia esigenza di un'Italia diversa, migliore"
Johnny, da "Il Partigiano Johnny", Beppe Fenoglio

My birthplace

Here I wrote my BA thesis and I decided to live abroad

Here I spent 6 years studying IR

My first academic position as Assistant Professor of IR
I am professor of Political Science at the Dipartimento di Scienze sociali e politiche of the Università degli studi di Milano.
I left Oxford in the 2024 spring. I was Professor of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Oxford for the 10 years.
I joined Brasenose College and the Departmet of Politics an International Relations at the University of Oxford in September 2014. Previously I was assistant professor of International Relations at the University of Amsterdam from 2010. I studied for my PhD (2011) at the University of Essex (UK) and my BA at the University of Genoa (Italy). I have also spent some time studying at Paris VI and Institute Du Monde Arabe in Paris, France.
My current research deals with political violence, civil wars and peace operations. My broader research interests include collective political violence and state development.
My work has been published in British Journal of Political Science, International Security, International Organization, World Politics, Comparative Political Studies, International Peacekeeping, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Peace Research, International Interactions, International Studies Review, Political Geography, Political Science Research & Methods and edited volumes.
I have published in 2020 a book with OUP entailed "Composing Peace"
My research uses, mix-methods and quantitative methods.
I am member of the Peacekeeping Working group organised by the Folke Bernadotte Academy (Sweden) and I am an active member of the Network of European Peace Scientists.
I am in the editorial board of Journal of Peace Research, International Peacekeeping, and Quaderni di Scienza Politica. I am part of the international advisory board of Italian Political Science Review/Rivista italiana di Scienza Politica.
I am a Research Fellow at the Michael Nicholson Centre for Conflict and Cooperation, University of Essex.
I am an Associate Member of the Nuffield College, Oxford and I was director of the Centre for International Studies , Oxford.
I was affiliated with the Oxford Q-Step Center, a new and innovative way to teach Political Science and International Relations at Oxford. I used to be co-director of the Oxford Spring School in Advanced Research Methods.
And I'd love to play the trumpet like Enrico Rava. I do not drive and I am sadly ignorant about football.