andrea ruggeri
professor of political science
dipartimento di scienze sociali e politiche
università degli studi di milano
Global Politics - UNIMI
Are we witnessing a structural change of global politics? Is territory becoming less important? Or are we returning to a salience of borders? Is sovereignty challenged ? And what are the major global trends we are observing? Is war our new future?
This course aims to introduce students to an analytical study of the global politics in contemporary times in order to answer the above questions and several others puzzles.
summary topics/readings
Topic Required Readings Slides
Turbulence or Tempest?
Introducing Global Politics No readings slidesWK1M1
Global Politics or Geopolitics? Agnew 1994 slidesWK1M2
States & Sovereignty Krasner 1999 slidesWK2M3
Borders & State Deaths Fazal 2004 slidesWK2M4
Anarchies &Hierarchies Wendt 1992 slides WK3M5
Power & its measurements Barnett & Duvall 2005 slides Wk3M6
Hegemonizing Gilping 1981 slides WK4M7
Balancing Schweller 2016 slides WK4M8
International Alliances Walt 1985 slides WK5M9
War, Rationality &. Uncertainty Fearon 1995 slides WK5M10
International Institutions Koremenos et al 2001 slides Wk6M11
Trade & Globalization Milner 1999 ; Walter 2021 slides WK6M12
What is internationalism? Hallyday 1988 slides WK7M13
Where does internationalism come from? Sluga & Calvin 2016 slides WK7M14
What is the alternative to internationalism? Mearsheimer 1994 slides Wk8M15
What are the instruments for internationalism? Morse & Keohane 2014 slides WK8M16
International Challenge I: Climate Change Von Uexkull & Buhaug 2021 slides Wk9M17
International Challenge II: Demography & Migrations Brooks et al 2018 slides Wk9M18
International Challenge III: Inequalities and Transnational Capitals slides Wk10M19
International Challenge III: Conflict Resolution & Peace Gowan 2024 slides Wk10M20