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andrea ruggeri
professor of political science
dipartimento di scienze sociali e politiche
università degli studi di milano
writing references is something that I take very seriously, hence I do not write references to all my students and I need time to write references.
Hence, hereafter the criteria you need to satisfy to ask me a reference:
1) you have taken at least a course/paper with me where your performance was at least in high 2.1 (above 65) .
2) you ask your reference 3 weeks before the deadline if in term, I need more time if not in term.
If you meet the above two criteria, you can send me an email asking for a reference and provide:
A) link to degree/internship/position you are apply to
B) your curriculum vitae
C)your cover letter
D) a summary of your performance in my course/paper
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