andrea ruggeri
professor of political science
dipartimento di scienze sociali e politiche
università degli studi di milano

Political Order & Violence - UNIMI
This unit of the course introduces the students to core concepts such as politics, conflict, and institutions. Moreover, it discusses the different trajectories of state making and state rupture, among these ruptures: external occupations, civil wars, and revolutions. The course analytically explores transnational governance and global political order.
summary topics/readings
Topic Required Readings Slides
What is politics? Sartori 1972 W1M1
What is conflict? North et al 2009 W1M2
What is political violence ? Kalyvas 2019 W2M3
What is political order? Bates 2008 W2M4
Governments and Governance Fukuyama 2016 StudentProtests
Institutions and conflict Olson 1993 WK3M6
State as institution Poggi 1990 WK4M7
State development Tilly 1985 WK4M8
State capacity Mann 1984 WK5M9
Nation making Linz 1993 WK5M10
State rupture I: occupations Edelstein 2004. WK6M11&12
Case studies 1 Downes 2021
State rupture 2 : civil war Sambanis 2004 WK7M13&14
Case studies 2 Cederman & Vogt 2017
State rupture 3: Revolutions Beissinger 2022 WK8M15
Case studies 3 Kuran 1991 WK8M16
Transnational Governance Abbott & Snidal 2010 WK19M17
EU and other experiments Pollack 2005. WK9M18
Global Political Order? March & Olsen 1998 W10M19&M20
Failure of Global Governance? Ikenberry 2018